제 84 호






사업단 최종목표 달성을 위한 사업화 및 원천기술 확보에 대한 방안을 마련하고 미래장기전략을 수립하기 위한 3단계 2차년도 제1차 과제책임자회의가 지난 6월 21일에

사무국 회의실에서 실시되었다. ... +more







사업단에서는 3단계 1차년도(2006년 4월~2007년 3월)의 사업활동내용과 연구성과를 홍보하고자『2006 Annual Report』를 제작하였습니다.
사업단 홈페이지의 사업홍보-대국민홍보 게시판에 들어오시면 본 자료를 보실 수 있습니다. ... +more






7월 6일(금), 이조원 단장 강연으로 시작


2007년 7월 매주 금요일마다 부산역에서 "금요일에 과학터치" 강연을 진행하게 된다.
7월 한달동안 매주 금요일 저녁에 나노기술은 무엇이고, 사업단에서 진행되고 있는 연구내용 및 성과 등을 강연하게 된다. 그 첫 번째 시간으로 사업단의 이조원 단장이 "10억분의 1미



터가 여는 멋진 신세계"라는 주제로 강연을 시작한다. ...  +more






3단계 2차년도 제1차 BMD 자문회의 실시
    ○ 일 정 : 2007년 7월 23일(월) 오후 3시
    ○ 장 소 : KIST 국제협력동 1층 제4회의실
    ○ BMD(Business Model Development)

사업단,『금요일에 과학터치』강연 실시
    ○ 일 정 : 2007년 7월 매주 금요일 저녁 7시~9시
    ○ 장 소 : 부산역 5층 대회의실
    ○ 강연자 : 이조원 단장(6일), 최중범 교수(13일),
서광석 교수(20일), 김기범 교수(27일)






한양대 전형탁 교수팀(단원자층 증착기술 개발)
   1) 전형탁 교수, 국제학회 논문발표
     ○ 일 정 : 2007년 6월 24일 ~ 27일
     ○ 장 소 : Kona Kai Resort, San Diego, CA, USA
     ○ 학회명 : 7th International Conference on Atomic
                     Layer Deposition
   2) 3단계 2차년도 제1차 DR(Design Review) 실시

     ○ 일 정 : 2007년 7월 6일(금) 오후 4시
     ○ 장 소 : 한양대 신소재공학관 318호








<한국과학기술단체총연합회 2007/6/19일자 기사>


유엔 산하 정부간기후변화위원회(IPCC)는 최근 지구온난화로 인한 대재앙을 막는데 인류에게 주어진 시간은 8년뿐(2015년) 이라는 충격적인 내용의 보고서를 발표했다.
보고서에 따르면 20세기에 걸쳐 지구 평균온도는 0.74℃ 상승했는데, 2100년이 되면 최대 6.4℃ 더 올라
...  +more







국내 과학기술자들은 특허를 수익창출을 위해서라기보다는 연구실적 평가를 위해 출원하는 경향이 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 연구성과에 대한 기술이전 시 기록의 충실성 및 관련 자료첨부 등에 있어서는 다소 소극적인 것으로 드러났다.
특허청은 이 같은 내용을 담은 '한-미 과학기술자 특허관리 실태조사'를 발표했다. ...  +more








현재 진행 중인 ‘한미 자유무역협정(FTA)’ 협상을 놓고 찬반 논란이 한창이다. 논란의 핵심은 ‘국익(國益)’. 특히 여러 분야에 걸쳐 양국 간의 차이를 보이고 있는 과학기술

력 문제는 협상에 민감한 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 알려지고 있다. .. +more







기술이전으로 발생한 기술료를 연구자 외에 기술 이전에 기여한 이도 받을 수 있게 됐다. 또 기술이전·사업화 정책심의회의 효율적인 운영을 위해 실무위원회가 설치된다.
정부는 26일 서울 세종로 정부중앙청사에서 한덕수 국무총리 주재로 국무회의를 열어 이 같은 내용을 핵심으로 한 ‘기술이전촉진법시행령 전부개정령(안)’을 포함한 51건의 안건을 의결했다.  ... +more








    - 정부, 기술이전 점검 '뒷짐'... 투자효과 의문
트랜지스터로 바이오센서 개발
전 세계 반도체 시장 성장률 대폭 감소
삼성전자·IBM 나노 제휴
D램·낸드플래시 '강자'... 기술력 '으뜸'
내년 R&D예산, 연구장비 중복 도입 차단
'국가R&D' 과제 문단속 강화










Nano-Electronics Forum [2007. 6. 29]
     ※ 아래의 내용은 테라급나노소자개발사업단에서 발간하는 Nano-Electronics Forum의 목차를 정리한 것으로 전문을
           보시려면 상단의 Nano-Electronics Forum [2007. 6. 29]를 클릭하여 첨부화일을 다운로드 하여주시기 바랍니다.

1. Nanosoccer debuts at RoboCup 2007


The glass microchip on the left measures 3 centimeters across - more than the diameter of a quarter on the right - and is divided into

sixteen 2.5 millimeter by 2.5 millimeter nanosoccer playing fields. ...

2. Bright future for nanowire light source


In a demonstration of the nanowire light source's fluorescence mode, a nanowire in the grip of an infrared beam was touched to a fluorescent bead causing the bead to fluorescence orange at the contact point. ...

3. New, invisible nano-fibers conduct electricity, repel dirt


A scanning electron microscope image of plastic fibers grown on a sheet of transparent film. Ohio State University researchers have invented a technique for

carpeting a surface with tiny plastic fibers. ...

4. Transparent transistors to bring future displays, 'e-paper'


Researchers have used nanotechnology to create transparent transistors and circuits, a step that promises a broad range of applications, from e-paper and flexible color screens for consumer electronics to "smart cards" and  ...

5. Electron beam 'carves' the world's smallest devices


Physicists at the University of Pennsylvania are using a new technique to craft some of the tiniest metal nanostructures ever created, none larger than 10 nanometers. ...

6. Significant step towards European joint technology initiative on nanoelectronics


A significant step towards the joint technology research programme on Nanoelectronics driven by European companies, universities and research institutes was made during a meeting held at the IMEC premises in Leuven on May 31st. ...

7. Scientists demonstrate high-performing room-temperature nanolaser


Scientists at Yokohama National University in Japan have built a highly efficient room-temperature nanometer-scale laser that produces stable, continuous streams of near-infrared laser light. The overall device has a width of several microns (millionths of a meter), ...

8. Carnegie Mellon Chemists Use Grease To Advance Organic Semiconductor Processing


Any machinist will tell you that a little grease goes a long way toward making a tool work better. And that may soon hold true for plastic electronics as well. ...

9. Breakthrough in Nanomachining and Organic Molecular Breakdown


Engineering researchers at the University of Arkansas and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln have discovered a novel nanomachining process that will help manufacturers produce superior nanoscale devices ...

10. Major U.S. Maker of High Performance MEMS Motion Sensors Orders Tegal Endeavor AT PVD Tool


Tegal Corporation, a leading designer and manufacturer of plasma etch and deposition systems used in the production of integrated circuits, MEMS, and nanotechnology devices, ...







1. Graphene-Silica Composite Thin Films as Transparent Conductors


Transparent and electrically conductive composite silica films were fabricated on glass and hydrophilic

SiOx/silicon substrates by incorporation of individual graphene oxide sheets into silica sols followed by spin-coating, ... 

2. Hierarchical Placement and Associated Optoelectronic Impact of Carbon Nanotubes in Polymer- Fullerene Solar Cells


Since their discovery, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been considered to be promising candidates for polymer-based solar cells, but their functional

incorporation and utilization in such devices have been limited due to processing bottlenecks. ...

3. Fabrication and characterization of highly reproducible, high resistance nanogaps made by focused ion beam milling


Nanoelectrodes were fabricated combining photolitho- graphy, electron beam lithography and focused ion beam milling allowing for large scale integration and nanoengineering of the electrode properties. ...

4. Nanoscale indent formation in shape memory polymers using a heated probe tip


This paper presents experimental investigation of nanoscale indentation formation in shape memory polymers. The polymers were synthesized by photo- polymerizing a tert-butyl acrylate (tBA) monomer with a poly(ethylene glycol dimethacrylate) (PEGDMA) crosslinker. ...

5. A silicon-on-insulator vertical nanogap device for electrical transport measurements in aqueous electrolyte solution


A novel concept for metal electrodes with few 10 nm separation for electrical conductance measurements in an aqueous electrolyte environment is presented. Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) material with 10 nm buried silicon dioxide serves as a base substrate for the formation of SOI plateau structures which, ...

6. Impact of oxide substrate on electrical and optical properties of carbon nanotube devices


We have studied suspended nanotube devices to investigate directly the impact of oxide substrate on the properties of nanotubes. The 1/f noise amplitude is reduced by about one order of magnitude when the nanotube is suspended, ...

7. Electrical conduction and transmission coefficients of suspended multiwalled carbon nanotubes


Room temperature electrical transport measurements have been made on suspended arc-discharge, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) coated with a thin polymer layer using high precision manipulators within a scanning electron microscope. ...

8. Trapping of 27 bp–8 kbp DNA and immobilization of thiol-modified DNA using dielectrophoresis


Dielectrophoretic trapping of six different DNA fragments, sizes varying from 27 to 8416 bp, has been studied using confocal microscopy. The effect of the DNA length and the size of the constriction between nanoscale fingertip electrodes on the trapping efficiency have been investigated. ...







1. SEMICON West 2007. San Francisco, CA.


July 16 - 20, 2007
Recent advances in high-k metal gates have been hailed as the biggest innovation in semiconductors in four decades. SEMICON West has high-k covered plus a whole lot more—from advanced materials to metrology to e-manufacturing, ...

2. Seeing at the Nanoscale V. Santa Barbara, CA.



July 24 - 27, 2007
Nanoscale V, the annual scientific conference focusing on nanostructural imaging, characterization, and modification using scanning probe microscopy (SPM) and related techniques. ...





1. US20070148991A1: Method of fabricating nanodevices

A method of batch fabrication using established photolithographic techniques allowing nanoparticles or nanodevices to be fabricated and mounted into a macroscopic device in a repeatable, reliable manner suitable for large-scale mass production. ...

2. US20070148963A1: Semiconductor devices incorporating carbon nanotubes and composites thereof

Methods of utilizing carbon nanotubes or composites thereof as hole plugs in vias or in contact holes for connecting conductive layers in integrated circuits are disclosed. Integrated circuits and integrated circuit layers formed by the methods are also disclosed. ...

3. US20070148949A1: Nanostructure-based package interconnect


An embodiment of the present invention is an interconnect technique. A nanostructure bump is formed on a die. The nanostructure bump has a template defining nano-sized openings and metallic nano-wires extending from the nano-sized openings. ...

4. US20070148815A1: Nano-array and fabrication method thereof


The invention provides a method for fabricating a nano-array comprising the following steps. A template with a plurality of nano-holes is provided. A polymer is embossed by the template to integrally form a plurality of nano-protrusions thereon, and ...

5. US20070148547A1: Modification of an anode material and a preperation method thereof


A modification of an anode material, which is used as a carbonaceous material of an anode of a Lithium-ion secondary battery, is characterized in that the surface of the carbonaceous material is plated with Sn—P or Ni—Sn—P nanoparticles. ...

6. US20070145542A1: Nano-wire electrode structure


An electronic device such as a sensor or a NEMS. The electronic device comprises at least one substrate; a plurality of electrodes disposed on the substrate; and at least one nano-wire growing from an edge of a first electrode to an edge of a second electrode. ... 



A scalable, logic transistor has a pair of doped regions for the drain and source. A gate insulator layer is formed over the substrate and between the drain and source regions. ...

8. US20070145453A1: Dielectric layer for electronic devices


A dielectric layer for electronic devices is disclosed herein. The dielectric layer comprises inorganic nanoparticles dispersed in a polymer selected from the group consisting of polysiloxane, polysilsesquioxane, and mixtures thereof. ...

9. US20070145386A1: Semiconductor light emitting device and method of manufacturing the same


Provided are a semiconductor light emitting device having a nano pattern and a method of manufacturing the semiconductor light emitting device. The semiconductor light emitting device includes: a semiconductor layer comprising a plurality of nano patterns, ...

10. US20070145375A1: Method of manufacturing nanowire, method of manufacturing a semiconductor apparatus including nanowire and semiconductor apparatus formed from the same


A method of manufacturing a nanowire, a method of manufacturing a semiconductor apparatus including a nanowire and a semiconductor apparatus formed from the same are provided. ...

11. US20070145356A1: Carbon nanotube interdigitated sensor


A carbon nanotube sensor (30), for determining the degree of the presence of an unwanted environmental agent, includes a plurality of carbon nanotubes (18). The sensor (30) comprises first and second conducting layers (32, 34) having alternatively interdigitated fingers (36, 38). ...





12. US20070145344A1: Resistance-change nanocrystal memory


A resistance-change nanocrystal memory is proposed, which includes at least one memory unit. The memory unit further includes a channel and nanocrystals embedded in the channel. Electric charges in the nanocrystals are accessed, ...

13. US20070141796A1: Nonvolatile memory device and methods of forming the same


Example embodiments relate to a semiconductor memory device and methods of forming the same. Other example embodiments relate to a

nonvolatile memory device and methods of forming the same. ...

14. US20070141762A1: Deletable nanotube circuit


Carbon nanotube template arrays may be edited to form connections between proximate nanotubes and/or to delete undesired nanotubes or nanotube junctions. ...

15. US20070138940A1: Surface electron emission device and display device having the same


Provided are a surface electron emission device and a display device having the same. The surface electron emission device may include a lower electrode, an insulating layer, and ...

16. US20070138583A1: Nanoparticle Vibration and Acceleration Sensors


Nanoscale acceleration and vibration sensors comprise a thin beam attached to a first substrate, being generally suspended over the first substrate by a cantilevered attachment. The thin beam functions as a second substrate for a coating that has a resistivity that varies with strain in the beam. ...

17. US20070138525A1: Mechanical memory device and method of manufacturing the same


A memory device that performs writing and reading operations using a mechanical movement of a nanowire, and a method of manufacturing the memory device are provided. ...

18. US20070138010A1: Embedded nanotube array sensor and method of making a nanotube polymer composite


A method of producing polymer/nanotube composites where the density and position of the nanotubes (11) within the composite ca be controlled. ...

19. US7236667: Techniques for use of nanocavities to enhance quantum processing with photons and the Zeno effect


Techniques are provided for placing atoms inside an appropriate nanocavity for enhancing two-photon absorption and quantum information processing based on the Zeno effect. ...

20. US7235912: Diamond-like carbon thermoelectric conversion devices and methods for the use and manufacture thereof


Diamond-like carbon based thermoelectric conversion devices and methods of making and using the same which have improved conversion efficiencies and increased reliability. ...

21. US7235475: Semiconductor nanowire fluid sensor and method for fabricating the same


Nanowire fluid sensors are provided. The fluid sensors comprise a first electrode, a

second electrode, and at least one nanowire between the first electrode and the second electrode. ...

22. US7235443: Non-volatile memory and method of manufacturing floating gate


A method of manufacturing a floating gate is provided. The method includes the steps of forming a tunneling layer on a substrate, and forming a film layer containing a semiconductor component on the tunneling layer. ...

23. US7233101: Substrate-supported array having steerable nanowires elements use in electron emitting devices


In accordance with the inventions, a new configuration of spaced-apart nanostructures is provided as well as a variety of improved articles using the new configuration. Improved articles include microwave amplifiers, ...

24. US7232754: Microelectronic devices and methods for forming interconnects in microelectronic devices


Microelectronic devices, methods for packaging microelectronic devices, and methods for forming interconnects in microelectronic devices are disclosed herein. ...



Published / Filed: 2007-06-20 / 2005-08-19
Application Number: EP2005000776276
IPC Code: Advanced: H01L 27/24; H01L 45/00;
Priority Number: 2005-08-19  WO2005IB0052729
                       2004-09-27  EP2004000104687
                       2005-08-19  EP2005000776276 ...




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