M. Fujita, R. Ushigome and T. Baba, “Continuous wave lasing in
GaInAsP microdisk injection laser with threshold current of 40 mA“, Electron. Lett., vol. 36, no. 9, pp.
790-791, 2000.
N. Fukaya, D. Ohsaki and T. Baba, “2-D photonic crystal waveguides
with 60-degree-bends in a thin slab structure”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 39,
no. 5A, pp. 2619-2623, 2000.
M. Ariga, Y. Sekido, A. Sakai, T. Baba, A. Matsutani, F. Koyama and
K. Iga, “Low threshold GaInAsP lasers with semiconductor/air DBR fabricated by
inductively coupled plasma etching”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 39, no. 6, pp.
3406-3409, 2000.
T. Baba, H. Yamada and A. Sakai, “Direct observation of lasing modes
in a microdisk laser by a near field probing technique”, Appl. Phys. Lett.,
vol. 77, no. 11, pp. 1584-1586, 2000.
T. Baba, M. Fujita and A. Sakai, “Microdisk-based photonics”, Int.
Sympo. Ultra-Parallel Optoelectronics,
T. Baba, “Control of light emission and guiding
in 2-D photonic crystals”, Int. Workshop on Photonic and Electromagnetic
Crystal Structures,
K. Inoshita, T.
Iwai and T. Baba, “Fabrication of injection-type light emitters GaInAsP 2-D
photonic crystal by ICP etching”, Int. Workshop on Photonic and Electromagnetic
Crystal Structures,
Fukaya, D. Ohsaki and T. Baba, “Fabrication of air-hole photonic crystal slab
for optical waveguides with steep bends”, Int.
Workshop on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures,
9. T. Baba,
10. T. Baba, T. Yonehana and D. Ohsaki, “FDTD simulation of
light transmission in 2-D photonic crystals made of optical Kerr media “, Int.
Workshop Femtosecond Technol., Tsukuba, no. FB-7, 2000.
T. Baba,
M. Fujita, R. Ushigome and T.
Baba, “40-mA-threshold
lasing in GaInAsP microdisk lasers”, Optoelectronic Conf., Makuhari, no.
14C-3-5, 2000.
H. Yamada, A. Sakai and T.
Baba, “2-D imaging of nanometer object by microdisk near field sensor”,
Optoelectronic Conf., Makuhari, no. 14C-1-5, 2000.
M. Fujita, R. Ushigome and T.
Baba, “Large spontaneous emission factor confirmed in cw lasing microdisk
injection laser”, IEEE/LEOS Annual Meeting,
T. Baba, “Photonic
microstructures --- microdisk lasers and photonic waveguides”, IEEE/LEOS Annual
H. Ichikawa, K. Inoshita and
T. Baba, “Reduced surface recombination and strongly enhanced light extraction
in CH4-plasma-irradiated GaInAsP photonic crystals”, IEEE/LEOS Annual Meeting,