1.     M. Fujita, R. Ushigome and T. Baba, “Continuous wave lasing in GaInAsP microdisk injection laser with threshold current of 40 mA“, Electron. Lett., vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 790-791, 2000. pdf

2.     N. Fukaya, D. Ohsaki and T. Baba, “2-D photonic crystal waveguides with 60-degree-bends in a thin slab structure”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 39, no. 5A, pp. 2619-2623, 2000. pdf

3.     M. Ariga, Y. Sekido, A. Sakai, T. Baba, A. Matsutani, F. Koyama and K. Iga, “Low threshold GaInAsP lasers with semiconductor/air DBR fabricated by inductively coupled plasma etching”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 3406-3409, 2000. pdf

4.     T. Baba, H. Yamada and A. Sakai, “Direct observation of lasing modes in a microdisk laser by a near field probing technique”, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 77, no. 11, pp. 1584-1586, 2000. pdf

5.     T. Baba, M. Fujita and A. Sakai, “Microdisk-based photonics”, Int. Sympo. Ultra-Parallel Optoelectronics, Kawasaki, no. C-3, 2000 (Invited Paper).

6.     T. Baba, “Control of light emission and guiding in 2-D photonic crystals”, Int. Workshop on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Sendai, no. W2-2, 2000 (Invited Paper).

7.     K. Inoshita, T. Iwai and T. Baba, “Fabrication of injection-type light emitters GaInAsP 2-D photonic crystal by ICP etching”, Int. Workshop on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Sendai, no. W4-3, 2000.

8.     N. Fukaya, D. Ohsaki and T. Baba, “Fabrication of air-hole photonic crystal slab for optical waveguides with steep bends”, Int. Workshop on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Sendai, no. W4-6, 2000.

9.     T. Baba, N. Fukaya and D. Ohsaki, “Light propagation characteristics in defect waveguides in a photonic crystal states “, NATO Advanced Research Workshop  “Photonic Crystals and Light Localization “, Crete, no. Th-7, 2000.

10.  T. Baba, T. Yonehana and D. Ohsaki, “FDTD simulation of light transmission in 2-D photonic crystals made of optical Kerr media “, Int. Workshop Femtosecond Technol., Tsukuba, no. FB-7, 2000.

11.  T. Baba, N. Fukaya and K. Inoshita, “Photonic crystals by planar technologies”, Optoelectronic Conf., Makuhari, no. 12D-1-3, 2000 (Invited Paper).

12.  M. Fujita, R. Ushigome and T. Baba, “40-mA-threshold lasing in GaInAsP microdisk lasers”, Optoelectronic Conf., Makuhari, no. 14C-3-5, 2000.

13.  H. Yamada, A. Sakai and T. Baba, “2-D imaging of nanometer object by microdisk near field sensor”, Optoelectronic Conf., Makuhari, no. 14C-1-5, 2000.

14.  M. Fujita, R. Ushigome and T. Baba, “Large spontaneous emission factor confirmed in cw lasing microdisk injection laser”, IEEE/LEOS Annual Meeting, Puerto Rico, 2000.

15.  T. Baba, “Photonic microstructures --- microdisk lasers and photonic waveguides”, IEEE/LEOS Annual Meeting, Puerto Rico, no. WK-1, 2000 (Invited Paper).

16.  H. Ichikawa, K. Inoshita and T. Baba, “Reduced surface recombination and strongly enhanced light extraction in CH4-plasma-irradiated GaInAsP photonic crystals”, IEEE/LEOS Annual Meeting, Puerto Rico, no. WK-3, 2000.