1.     M. Fujita, R. Ushigome and T. Baba, gStrain relaxation effect in microdisk lasers with compressively-strained quantum wellsh, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 80, no. 9, pp. 1511-1513, 2002. pdf

2.     M. Fujita and T. Baba, gMicrogear laserh, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 80, no. 12, pp. 2051-2053, 2002. pdf

3.     A. Sakai, T. Fukazawa and T. Baba, gLow loss ultra-small branches in Si photonic wire waveguidesh, IEICE Trans. Electron., vol. E85-C, no. 4, pp. 1033-1038, 2002. pdf

4.     T. Baba, A. Motegi, T. Iwai, N. Fukaya, Y. Watanabe and A. Sakai, gLight propagation characteristics of straight single line defect optical waveguides in a photonic crystal slab fabricated into a silicon-on-insulator substrate, g IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 743-752, 2002. pdf

5.     T. Baba and M. Nakamura, gPhotonic crystal light deflection devices using the superprism effecth, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. 38, no. 7, pp. 909-914, 2002. pdf

6.     T. Baba and T. Matsumoto, gResolution of photonic crystal superprismh, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 81, no. 13, pp. 2325-2327, 2002. pdf

7.     K. Aoki, H. T. Miyazaki, H. Hirayama, K. Inoshita, T. Baba, N. Shinya and Y. Aoyagi, "3D photonic crystals fabricated by micromanipulation technique", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 81, no. 17, pp. 3122-3124, 2002. pdf

8.     R. Ushigome, M. Fujita and T. Baba, gGaInAsP microdisk Injection laser with Benzocyclobutene polymer cladding and its athermal effecth, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 41, no. 11, 2002. pdf

9.     T. Fukazawa, A. Sakai and T. Baba, gH-tree-type optical clock signal distribution circuit by a Si photonic wire waveguideh, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 41, 2002. pdf

10.   T. Baba, gPhotonic micro/nanostructures for PBG and index confinementsh, Int. Sympo. Contemporary Photon. Technol., Tokyo, no. K-3, 2002 (Invited Paper).

11.   K. Aoki, H. T. Miyazaki, H. Hirayama, K. Inoshita, T. Baba, N. Shinya and Y. Aoyagi, "3D photonic crystals fabricated by micromanipulation technique", Mat. Res. Soc. Spring Meet., San Francisco, no. L7.2, 2002.

12.   T. Baba and H. Ichikawa, gPhotonic crystal light extractor in light emitting devicesh, Optoelectronic and Commun. Conf., Yokohama, no. 9C2-1, 2002 (Invited Paper).

13.   T. Baba and T. Iwai, gEnhancement of third order nonlinearity calculated for 2-D photonic crystalh, Integrated Photon. Res. Conf., Vancouver, no. IthF3, 2002.

14.   A. Sakai, T. Fukazawa and T. Baba, gMicro-branch in silicon photonic wire waveguidesh, Integrated Photon. Res. Conf., Vancouver, no. IthI12, 2002.

15.   M. Fujita, R. Ushigome and T. Baba, gEffective carrier confinement in microdisk lasers by strain relaxation in quantum wellsh, Integrated Photon. Res. Conf., Vancouver, no. IthI15, 2002.

16.   A. Sakai, T. Fukazawa and T. Baba, gPolarization conversion at micro-bend in Si photonic wire waveguideh, Integrated Photon. Res. Conf., Vancouver, no. IFB4, 2002.

17.   H. Ichikawa and T. Baba, gHigh efficiency light emitting diode with 2-D surface grating photonic crystalh, Integrated Photon. Res. Conf., Vancouver, no. IFF3, 2002.

18.   R. Ushigome, M. Fujita, A. Sakai and T. Baba, gGaInAsP microdisk injection laser with Benzocyclobutene polymer cladding and its athermal effecth, Integrated Photon. Res. Conf., Vancouver, no. IFF4, 2002.

19.   M. Fujita and T. Baba, gMicrogear laser --- a fusion of whispering gallery mode cavity and photonic crystalh, Integrated Photon. Res. Conf., Vancouver, no. IFF5, 2002.

20.   T. Baba, gLight transmission in photonic bandgap waveguides and photonic band crystalsh, SPIE gActive and Passive Optical Components for WDM Communication IIh, Boston, no. 4870-43, 2002 (Invited Paper).

21.   T. Matsumoto and T. Baba, gResolution of photonic crystal superprism filterh, Int. Workshop on Photon. and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Los Angeles, no. K-4, 2002.

22.   K. Inoshita, T. Izumi and T. Baba, gFabrication of airhole-type GaInAsP/InP photonic crystal by ICP etchingh, Int. Microprocess and Nanotechnology Conf., Tokyo, no. 7P-7-24, 2002.

23.   T. Baba, gPhotonic crystals and microlasersh, IEEE/LEOS Annual Meet., Glasgow, no. WS-1, 2002 (Invited Paper).

24.   T. Baba, gMicrolasers based on photonic crystal concepth, SPIE "Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices", San Hose, 2003 (Invited Paper).

25.   T. Baba, gProgress in microdisk and related lasersh, Int. Sympo. Nanotechnology for Photonics and Opto-Electronics, Tokyo, 2003 (Invited Paper).

26.   T. Baba, gUltra-small light emitting devicesh, Fall Meet. Material Res. Soc., Boston, 2003 (Invited Paper).

27.   T. Krauss and T. Baba, gIntroduction to the feature section on photonic crystal structures and applicationsh, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol. 38, no. 7, p. 724, 2002. pdf