1.      K. Aoki, H. T. Miyazaki, H. Hirayama, K. Inoshita, T. Baba, K. Sakoda, N. Shinya and Y. Aoyagi, “Microassembly of semiconductor three-dimensional photonic crystals”, Nature Materials, vol. 2, pp. 117-121, 2003. web 

2.      T. Baba and T. Iwai, “Enhancement of third order nonlinearity calculated for 2-D photonic crystals”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 42, no. 4A, pp. 1603-1608, 2003. pdf

3.      K. Inoshita and T. Baba, “Lasing at bend, branch and intersection of photonic crystal waveguides”, Electron. Lett., vol. 39, no. 11, pp. 844-846, 2003. pdf

4.      T. Baba, M. Shiga and K. Inoshita, “Carrier plasma shift in GaInAsP photonic crystal point defect cavity”, Electron. Lett., vol. 39, no. 21, pp. 1516-1518, 2003. pdf

5.      K. Inoshita and T. Baba, “Room temperature lasing characteristics of bend and branch in photonic crystal waveguides”, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 6887-6891, 2003. pdf

6.      T. Baba and D. Sano, “Low threshold lasing and Purcell effect in microdisk lasers at room temperature”, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 1340-1346, 2003 pdf.

7.      K. Inoshita and T. Baba, “Fabrication of GaInAsP/InP photonic crystal lasers by ICP etching and control of resonant mode in point and line composite defects”, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 1347-1354, 2003 pdf.

8.      K. Nozaki, A. Nakagawa, D. Sano and T. Baba, “Ultralow threshold and singlemode lasing in microgear lasers and its fusion with quasiperiodic photonic crystals”, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 1355-1360, 2003 pdf.

9.      T. Baba, K. Inoshita, D. Sano, A. Nakagawa and K. Nozaki, “Microlasers based on photonic crystal concept”, SPIE "Photonic Crystal Materials and Devices", San Jose, no. 5000-05, 2003 (Invited Paper).

10.    T. Baba, “Progress in microdisk and related lasers”, Int. Sympo. Nanotechnology for Photonics and Opto-Electronics, Tokyo, no. 12, 2003 (Invited Paper).

11.    T. Baba, “Photonic crystals and micro-/nano-lasers”, JSPS-Sweden Colloquium, Stockholm, no. 2-2, 2003 (Invited Paper).

12.    T. Baba, K. Inoshita, T. Matsumoto, H. Ichikawa and T. Iwai, “Device applications of semiconductor photonic crystal”, Int. Sympo. Femto-Second Technol., Makuhari, no. TD-3, 2003 (Invited Paper).

13.    T. Baba, K. Inoshita, T. Matsumoto, D. Mori, H. Ichikawa and T. Iwai, “Semiconductor photonic crystal and nanostructure devices”, IEEE/LEOS Opt. MEMS, Hawaii, no. WA-1, 2003 (Invited Paper).

14.    T. Baba, “Semiconductor photonic crystal devices”, Int. Conf. Solid State Devices and Mat., Tokyo, no. F-7, 2003 (Invited Paper).

15.    T. Baba, “Light propagation and localization in photonic crystals”, Progress in Electromagnetic Res. Sympo., Hawaii, no. 2003-10-14-2-10, 2003 (Invited Paper).

16.    T. Baba, “Photonic crystals and high index contrast devices”, IEEE/LEOS Annual Meet., Arizona, no. S102, 2003 (Short Course Lecture).

17.    T. Baba, K. Inoshita and Y. Kuroki, “Photonic crystal nanolasers utilizing cutoff condition of line defect”, Int. Sympo. Quantum Dots and Photonic Crystals, 2003.

18.    T. Baba, E. Mizuta, M. Shiga and K. Inoshita, “Control of light propagation in line defect waveguide by photopumping”, Int. Sympo. Quantum Dots and Photonic Crystals, 2003.

19.    T. Baba, “Ultra-small light emitting devices”, Fall Meet. Material Res. Soc., Boston, no. W6.4, 2003 (Invited Paper).

20.    T. Baba, “Photonic crystals, an introduction”, Japanese-American Frontiers of Science, Shonan, no. 7-1, 2003 (Invited Paper).

21.    T. Matsumoto and T. Baba, “Photonic crystal k-vector superprism”, Pacific Rim Conf. Laser and Electro-Optics, Taipei, no. TU4C-(16)-6, 2003.

22.    D. Sano and T. Baba, “Purcell effect in microdisk laser at room temperature”, Pacific Rim Conf. Laser and Electro-Optics, Taipei, no. W1C-(16)-2, 2003.

23.    K. Inoshita and T. Baba, “Lasing characteristics and mode control of photonic crystal lasers with point and line composite defect”, Pacific Rim Conf. Laser and Electro-Optics, Taipei, no. W2C-(16)-4, 2003.

24.    K. Nozaki, A. Nakagawa, D. Sano and T. Baba, “Ultralow threshold microgear lasers and their fusion with quasiperiodic photonic crystals”, Pacific Rim Conf. Laser and Electro-Optics, Taipei, no. W2C-(16)-5, 2003.

25.    A. Nakagawa and T. Baba, “Photonic molecule by coupled microdisk lasers”, Pacific Rim Conf. Laser and Electro-Optics, Taipei, no. W2C-(16)-6, 2003.

26.    T. Fukazawa, T. Hirano and T. Baba, “Ultrasmall filters and low loss intersection  by Si photonic wire waveguides”, Pacific Rim Conf. Laser and Electro-Optics, Taipei, no. TH2C-(16)-5, 2003.

27.    T. Baba, A. Nakagawa, D. Sano, K. Nozaki and S. Ishii, “Recent progress on microdisk lasers”, Int. Semicon. Laser Conf. 2004 Pre-Conf., Kobe, no. OPE2003-222, 2003 (Invited Paper).

28.    S. Noda and T. Baba, Eds., Roadmap on Photonic Crystals, Kluwer Academic, 2003.