
1.     T. Ide, J. Hashimoto, K. Nozaki, E. Mizuta and T. Baba, gInP etching by HI/Xe inductively coupled plasma for photonic-crystal device fabricationh, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 45, no. 3, pp. L102-L104, 2006. pdf

2.     S. Ishii, A. Nakagawa and T. Baba, gModal characteristics and bistability in twin microdisk photonic molecule laserh, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 71-77, 2006. pdf

3.     K. Kiyota, T. Kise, N. Yokouchi, T. Ide and T. Baba, gVarious low group velocity effects in photonic crystal line defect waveguides and their demonstration by laser oscillationh, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 88, no. 20, pp. 201904, 2006. pdf

4.     K. Nozaki and T. Baba, gLasing characteristics with ultimate-small modal volume in point shift photonic crystal nanolasersh, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 88, no. 21, pp. 211101, 2006. pdf

5.     H. Watanabe and T. Baba, gActive/passive-integrated photonic crystal slab microlaserh, Electron. Lett., vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 695-696, 2006. pdf

6.     K. Nozaki and T. Baba, gLasing characteristics of 12-fold symmetric quasiperiodic photonic crystal slab nanolasersh, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 45, no. 8A, pp. 6087-6090, 2006. pdf

7.     S. Ishii, K. Nozaki and T. Baba, gPhotonic molecules in photonic crystalh, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 45, no. 8A, pp. 6108-6111, 2006. pdf

8.     E. Mizuta, H. Watanabe and T. Baba, gAll semiconductor low-D photonic crystal waveguide for semiconductor optical amplifierh, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 45, no. 8A, pp. 6116-6120, 2006. pdf

9.     F. Ohno, K. Sasaki and T. Baba, gReduction of sidelobe level in ultra-compact arrayed waveguide grating demultiplexer based on Si wire waveguideh, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 45, no. 8A, pp. 6126-6131, 2006. pdf

10.   T. Matsumoto, K. Eom and T. Baba, gFocusing of light by negative refraction in photonic crystal slab superlens on SOI substrateh, Opt. Lett., vol. 31, no. 18, pp. 2776-2778, 2006. pdf

11.   T. Baba, gRecent progress on photonic crystal functional devicesh, Asia-Pacific Microwave Photon. Conf., Kobe, no. I-1, 2006 (Invited Paper).

12.   W. Zheng, X. Ma, G. Ren, X. Cai, L. Chen, K. Nozaki and T. Baba, gHigh efficiency operation of photonic crystal microlaserh, Quantum Electron. Laser Sci., Long Beach, no. QTuL6, 2006.

13.   T. Matsumoto, K. Eom and T. Baba, gFocusing of light by negative refraction in photonic crystal superlensh, Quantum Electron. Laser Sci., Long Beach, no. QWE5, 2006.

14.   T. Baba, K. Nozaki and S. Ishii, gSemiconductor nanolasers and photonic moleculesh, Int. Conf. Transparent Optical Networks, Nottingham, no. Mo.A.2, 2006 (Plenary Talk).

15.   D. Mori, S. Kubo, T. Kawasaki and T. Baba, gObservation of wideband slow light in chirped photonic crystal waveguide directional couplerh, Slow and Fast Light Top. Meet., Washington D.C., no. MD7, 2006

16.   K. Sasaki, F. Ohno and T. Baba, gSidelobe reduction in Si photonic wire AWGh, Asia-Pacific Opt. Commun., Gwangju, no. 6352-5, 2006.

17.   H. Watanabe and T. Baba, gActive/passive-integrated photonic crystal slab m-laserh, Asia-Pacific Opt. Commun., Gwangju, no. 6352-8, 2006.

18.   N. Inoue and T. Baba, gExternal control of polarization states in photonic crystal slab with liquid crystalh, Asia-Pacific Opt. Commun., Gwangju, no. 6353-30, 2006.

19.   K. Eom, T. Matsumoto and T. Baba, gClear focusing of light in photonic crystal superlensh, Asia-Pacific Opt. Commun., Gwangju, no. 6352-41, 2006.

20.   T. Baba and D. Mori, gPotential of slowlight in photonic crystalh, Asia-Pacific Opt. Commun., Gwangju, no. 6351-74, 2006 (Invited Paper).

21.   T. Baba, gPhotonic and optical phenomena in photonic crystals and their applicationsh, IEEE/LEOS Distinguished Lecturers Meet., Tokyo, no. 2, 2006 (Invited Paper).

22.   T. Baba, gControl of light emission and propagation in semiconductor photonic nanostructuresh, Int. Conf. Solid State Devices and Mat., Yokohama, 2006 (Invited Paper).

23.   T. Baba, gPhotonic crystal emitters and light control devicesh, IEEE Int. Semicon. Laser Conf., Hawaii, 2006 (Short Course Lecture).

24.   K. Nozaki and T. Baba, gFast spontaneous emission decay in photonic crystal point-shift nanolaser with ultimate-small modal volumeh, IEEE Int. Semicon. Laser Conf., Hawaii, no. ThA5, 2006.

25.   T. Baba, D. Mori, S. Kubo and T. Kawasaki, gSlow light engineering in photonic crystalsh, OSA Annual Meet. "Frontiers in Optics", Rochester, 2006 (Invited Paper).

26.   T. Baba, gState-of-art photonic nanostructure devicesh, IEEE/LEOS Distinguished Lecturers Meet., Ottawa, 2006 (Invited Paper).

27.   T. Baba and T. Matsumoto, gNegative refraction in photonic crystalsh, RIKEN Int. Sympo., Saitama, 2006 (Invited Paper).

28.   T. Baba, gState-of-art photonic nanostructure devicesh, Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers, Mexico, 2006 (Invited Paper).

29.   T. Baba, gState-of-art photonic nanostructure devicesh, IEEE/LEOS Distinguished Lecturers Meet., Torino, 2006 (Invited Paper).

30.   T. Baba, gState-of-art photonic nanostructure devicesh, IEEE/LEOS Distinguished Lecturers Meet., Roma, 2006 (Invited Paper).