
1.    J. Adachi, N. Ishikura, H. Sasaki and T. Baba, gWide range tuning of slow light pulse in SOI photonic crystal coupled waveguide via folded chirpingh, IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron., vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 192-199, 2010 (Invited Paper). pdf

2.    T. Baba, H. Abe, T. Asatsuma, and T. Matsumoto, gPhotonic crystal negative refractive opticsh, J. Nanoschi. Nanotech., vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1473-1481, 2010 (Invited Paper). pdf

3.    Y. Saito and T. Baba, gStopping of light by the dynamic tuning of photonic crystal slow light deviceh, Opt. Express, vol. 18, no. 16, 17141-17153, 2010. pdfpdfpdfpdfpdfpdfpdf

4.    F. Shinobu, Y. Arita and T. Baba, gLow-loss simple waveguide intersection in silicon photonicsh, Electron. Lett., vol. 46, no. 16, pp. 1149-1151, 2010. pdf

5.    S. Kita, S. Hachuda, K. Nozaki and T. Baba, gNanoslot laserh, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 97, no. 16, pp. 161108, 2010. pdf

6.    K. Suzuki and T. Baba, gNonlinear light propagation in chalcogenide photonic crystal slow light waveguidesh, Opt. Express, vol. 18, no. 25, pp. 26675-26685, 2010 (Invited Paper). pdf

7.    N. Ishikura, J. Adachi, Y. Hama and T. Baba, gApplication of thermal delay tuning in photonic crystal coupled waveguide to fast optical correlatorh, Int. Conf. Silicon Photon., Boston, no. 12, 2010.

8.    N. Ishikura, J. Adachi and T. Baba, gFast optical correlator via thermal delay tuning in photonic crystal coupled waveguideh, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, no. 7612-24, 2010.

9.    T. Baba, gPhotonic crystal slow light devices --- tunable delay, nonlinearity, dynamic tuningh, Opt. Fiber Commun. Conf., San Diego, no. OMP1, 2010 (Invited Paper).

10.  T. Baba, gTunable slow light in photonic nanostructuresh, European Conf. Integ. Opt., Cambridge, no. ThI-1, 2010. (Invited Paper)

11.  S. Kita, S. Hachuda and T. Baba, gPhotonic crystal nanolaser with nano-slit structureh, Int. Sympo. Compound Semicon., Takamatsu, no. FrD3-3, 2010.

12.  S. Kita, S. Hachuda, N. Yoshiaki, M. Hiroaki and T. Baba, gHigh resolution biosensing using photonic crystal nano-slit H0 nanolaserh, Int. Sympo. Compound Semicon., Takamatsu, no. FrD3-7, 2010

13.  H. C. Nguyen, Y. Kawasaki and T. Baba, gFabrication of InP-based photonic crystal slow light waveguidesh, Int. Sympo. Compound Semicon., Takamatsu, no. FrP24, 2010.

14.  T. Baba, gLight control in photonic nanostructuresh, Int. Sympo. Organic and Inorganic Electron. Mat. Related Nanotech., Toyama, no. B2-1, 2010 (Invited Paper).

15.  T. Baba and S. Kita, gPhotonic crystal nanolaser --- its fabrication, laser characteristics and bio-sensing applicationsh, Int. Conf. Laser Opt., St. Petersburg, no. ThR3-24, 2010 (Invited Paper).

16.  T. Baba, gAdvances in photonics and nanophotonics based on Si technologiesh, Optoelectronic and Commun. Conf., Sapporo, no. WS2-1, 2, 2010 (Invited Paper).

17.  K. Suzuki, Y. Hamachi and T. Baba, gNonlinearity enhancement with low-dispersion slow-light in chalcogenide glass photonic crystal waveguideh, OSA Top. Meet. Integ. Photon. Res., Silicon and Nano-Photonics Research, Monterey, no. IWG-4, 2010

18.  T. Baba, S. Kita and K. Suzuki, gBio-sensing and nonlinear enhancement using photonic crystalsh, Int. Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (iNOW), Beijing, no. Tu-2, 2010. (Invited Paper)

19.  H. C. Ngyuen, Y. Kawasaki and T. Baba, gFabrication of GaInAsP photonic crystal slow light waveguidesh, Int. Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (iNOW), Beijing, 2010.

20.  Y. Saito and T. Baba, gStopping of light by the dynamic tuning of photonic crystal slow light deviceh, Int. Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (iNOW), Beijing, 2010.

21.  T. Baba, gOn-chip slow light with CMOS photonic crystalsh, European Conf. Opt. Commun., Turin, 2010 (Invited Paper).

22.  T. Baba, gWhy must nanolasers be so small?h, IEEE Int. Semicon. Laser Conf., Kyoto, 2010 (Invited Paper).

23.  S. Kita, S. Hachuda and T. Baba, gNano-slit photonic crystal nanolaser with mode localization in airh, IEEE Int. Semicon. Laser Conf., Kyoto, no. ThA4, 2010.

24.  S. Kita, S. Hachuda T. Endo, Y. Nishijima, H. Misawa and T. Baba, gHigh-sensitivity biosensing using nanolaserh, IEEE Sensors Conf., Hawaii, no. C1L-E6, 2010.

25.  T. Baba, gSilicon photonicsh, Silicon Technology Forum, no. 16, 2010 (Invited Paper).