
1.   H. Ito, N. Ishikura and T. Baba, "Triangular-shaped coupled microrings for robust wavelength multi-/demultiplexing in Si photonics", J. Lightwave Technol., vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 304-310, 2015. pdf

2.   K. Watanabe, Y. Kishi, S. Hachuda, T. Watanabe, M. Sakemoto, Y. Nishijima and T. Baba, "Simultaneous detection of refractive index and surface charges in nanolaser biosensors", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 106, no. 2, pp. 021106, 2015. pdf

3.   K. Kondo, N. Ishikura, T. Tamura and T. Baba, "Temporal pulse compression by dynamic slow-light tuning in photonic crystal waveguides", Phys. Rev. A, vol. 91, no. 02, pp. 023831, 2015. pdf

4.   D. Takahashi, S. Hachuda, T. Watanabe, Y. Nishijima and T. Baba, "Detection of endotoxin using a photonic crystal nanolaser", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 106, no. 13, pp. 131112, 2015. pdf

5.   T. Tamura, K. Kondo, Y. Terada, Y. Hinakura, N. Ishikura and T. Baba, "Silica-clad silicon photonic crystal waveguides for wideband dispersion-free slow light", J. Lightwave Technol., vol. 33, no. 7, pp. 3034-3040, 2015. pdf

6.   H. Abe, M. Narimatsu, T. Watanabe, T. Furumoto, Y. Yokouchi, Y. Nishijima, S. Kita, A. Tomitaka, S. Ota, Y. Takemura and T. Baba, "Living-cell imaging using a photonic crystal nanolaser array," Opt. Express, vol. 23, no. 13, pp. 17056-17066, 2015. pdf

7.   S. Kinugasa, N. Ishikura, H. Ito, N. Yazawa and T. Baba, "One-chip integration of optical correlator based on slow-light devices", Opt. Express, vol. 23, no. 16, pp. 20767-20773, 2015. pdf

8.   H. Ito, Y. Terada, N. Ishikura and T. Baba, "Hitless tunable WDM transmitter using Si photonic crystal optical modulators", Opt. Express, vol. 23, no. 17, pp. 21629-21636, 2015. pdf

9.   T. Baba, “Biosensing using photonic crystal nanolasers”, MRS Commun., vol. 5, no. 4, pp 555 - 564, 2015 (Invited Paper). pdf

10. T. Baba and Y. Terada, “Slow light modulators”, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, no. 9367-16, 2015 (Invited Paper).

11. T. Baba and K. Kondo, “Co-propagating slow light pulse systems”, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, no. 9378-11, 2015 (Invited Paper).

12. T. Baba and Y. Terada, “High-speed and compact photonic crystal optical modulators”, SPIE Optics and Optoelectronics, Prague, no. 9516-13, 2015 (Invited Paper).

13. T. Baba, “Photonic crystal integrated optics”, EMN Meeting on Optoelectronics, Beijing, no. B01, 2015 (Invited Paper).

14. S. Hachuda, T. Watanabe, D. Takahashi and T. Baba, "Ultra-sensitive and selective detection of prostate specific antigen beyond ELISA using photonic crystal nanolaser", Conf. Laser and Electro-Opt., San Jose, no. AM1J.3, 2015.

15. Y. Terada, Y. Hinakura, K. Hojo, N. Yazawa, T. Watanabe and T. Baba, "OOK and QPSK operation with wide working spectrum in 200‒300 mm Si photonic crystal slow light modulators", Conf. Laser and Electro-Opt., San Jose, no. SW3N.2, 2015.

16. H. Ito, Y. Terada, N. Ishikura and T. Baba, "WDM transmitter using Si photonic crystal optical modulators", Conf. Laser and Electro-Opt., San Jose, no. SW3N.4, 2015.

17. T. Baba, K. Watanabe and Y. Kishi, “Photonic crystal nanolaser bio-sensors for detecting environmental index and surface charges”, IEEE Int. Conf. Transparent Opt. Networks, Budapest, no. Mo.B6.1, 2015 (Invited Paper).

18. T. Baba, “Photonic crystal nanolasers for bio/medical applications”, Int. Nano-Optoelectronics Workshop (iNOW), Tokyo, no. ThA3, 2015 (Invited Paper).

19. S. Kinugasa, N. Ishikura and T. Baba, “On-chip operation of optical correlator”, Conf. Laser and Electro-Opt. Pacific Rim, Busan, no. 25I3-2, 2015.

20. D. Takahashi, S. Hachuda, T. Watanabe, Y. Nishijima and T. Baba, “Detection of endotoxin using a photonic crystal nanolaser”, Conf. Laser and Electro-Opt. Pacific Rim, Busan, no. 25I3-3, 2015.

21. T. Tamura, K. Kondo and T. Baba, “High group index silica-clad silicon photonic crystal slow light waveguides”, Conf. Laser and Electro-Opt. Pacific Rim, Busan, no. 25I3-4, 2015.

22. K. Kondo and T. Baba, “Optically-induced Doppler shift in photonic crystal slow light waveguides”, Conf. Laser and Electro-Opt. Pacific Rim, Busan, no. 25I3-5, 2015.

23. Y. Hinakura, Y. Terada, Takuya Tamura and T. Baba, “Wideband slow light effects in 25 Gbps Si photonic crystal Mach-Zehnder modulators”, Conf. Laser and Electro-Opt. Pacific Rim, Busan, no. 25J2-3, 2015.

24. Y. Terada, K. Miyasaka, H. Ito and T. Baba, “Avalanche photodiode operation of Si photonic crystal modulator”, Conf. Laser and Electro-Opt. Pacific Rim, Busan, no. 25J2-4, 2015.

25. K. Hojo, Y. Terada, Y. Hinakura, N. Yazawa, T. Watanabe and T. Baba, “Si photonic crystal compact multilevel modulators”, Conf. Laser and Electro-Opt. Pacific Rim, Busan, no. 26J3-4, 2015.

26. M. Takeuchi, Y. Terada and T. Baba, “Improvement of modulation speed in Si slow light modulator by optimizing doping profile”, Conf. Laser and Electro-Opt. Pacific Rim, Busan, no. 28F1-3, 2015.

27. T. Baba, “Bio-sensing applications of photonic crystal nanolasers”, OSA Adv. Optoelectronics & Micro-/nano-Electronics, Hangzhou, 2015 (Keynote Speech).

28. H. Hashiguchi, H. Arai, K. Kondo and T. Baba, "Optical leaky wave antenna using waffle waveguide", Int. Workshop Electromag. Symp. Appl. Student Innovation Competition, Taipei, 2015.

29. H. Arai, H. Hashiguchi, K. Kondo and T. Baba, "2D beam scanned optical leaky waveguide antenna", Int. Symp. Antennas and Prop., Hobart, 2015.

30. T. Baba, Y. Terada, H. Ito, K. Hojo, Y. Hinakura, M. Takeuchi and T. Tatebe, " Recent development of Si photonic crystal Mach-Zehnder modulators", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, Tokyo, 2015.

31. Y. Terada, T. Tatebe and T. Baba, "Optimization of doping profile in Si photonic crystal slow light modulator for larger phase shift and higher response speed", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, Tokyo, 2015.

32. Y. Terada, K. Miyasaka, H. Ito and T. Baba, "Slow-light enhancement in Si photonic crystal waveguide as a sub-bandgap photodiode", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, Tokyo, 2015.

33. K. Kondo and T. Baba, "Slow-light-induced Doppler shift in photonic crystal waveguides", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, Tokyo, 2015.

34. S. Kinugasa, N. Ishikura, H. Ito, N. Yazawa and T. Baba, "On-chip operation of Si photonic optical correlator", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, Tokyo, 2015.

35. T. Tamura a and T. Baba, "Four wave mixing in silica-clad photonic crystal waveguides generating wideband dispersion-free slow light with high group index", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, Tokyo, 2015.

36. M. Takeuchi, K. Kondo and T. Baba, "A consideration toward efficient optical Kerr effect in Si photonic crystal waveguides", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, Tokyo, 2015.

37. Y. Hinakura,, Y. Terada, T. Tamura and T. Baba, "Wide-band slow light effects in Si photonic crystal modulators", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, Tokyo, 2015.

38. K. Hojo, Y. Terada, N. Yazawa, T. Watanabe and T. Baba, "Si photonic crystal compact multilevel modulators", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, Tokyo, 2015.