1.    S. Suyama and T. Baba, “High-efficiency upward radiation in slow-light grating beam scanner”, Opt. Express, vol. 31, no.13, pp. 22170-22178, 2023. pdf

2.    M. Kamata and T. Baba, “OFDR analysis of Si photonics FMCW LiDAR chip”, Opt. Express, vol. 31, no. 15, pp. 25245-25252, 2023. pdf

3.    T. Baba, “Solid state LiDAR”, Opt. Fiber Conf., San Diego, no. M2C.4, 2023 (Tutorial).

4.    T. Baba, “Solid-state LiDAR equipped with photonic crystal beam scanner”, Int. Sympo. Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Tokyo, no. 29-A-01, 2023 (Invited Paper).

5.    S. YamazakiTTamanukiand T. Baba, “Realtime k-clock FMCW LSPCW LiDAR with loop recording”, Int. Sympo. Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Tokyo, no. P-06, 2023.

6.    K. Hirotani and T. Baba, “Informatic optimization of diamond nanobeam nanocavity for quantum photonic interface”, Int. Sympo. Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Tokyo, no. P-24, 2023.

7.    K. Hirotani, M. Okano, G. Cong, N. Yamamoto, K. Yamada, T. Baba, “Si photonic crystal slow-light waveguide optimized by informatics technology”, Int. Sympo. Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Tokyo, no. P-25, 2023.

8.    S. Suyama, S. Nawa, M. Okano, G. Cong, N. Yamamoto, K. Yamada, T. Baba, “Efficient slow light grating beam scanner and 4D LiDAR action”, Int. Sympo. Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Tokyo, no. P-32, 2023.

9.    R. Kubota, K. Yamamoto, M. Kamata, R. Tetsuya, T. Tamanuki, T. Baba, “High NA, low profile prism lens for beam collimation in Si photonic crystal SLG beam scanner”, Int. Sympo. Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Tokyo, no. P-44, 2023.

10. S. Hachuda and T. Baba, “Photonic crystal nanolaser biosensor improved by using photo-electrochemical circuit”, Int. Sympo. Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Tokyo, no. P-45, 2023.

11. K. Kawahara, M. Kamata, Y. Hinakura, M. Okano, G. Cong, N. Yamamoto, K. Yamada, and T. Baba, “64-Gbps 3.5-Vpp Si photonic crystal slow light optical modulators”, Int. Sympo. Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Tokyo, no. P49, 2023.

12. L. Li, H. Arai, and T. Baba, “Photonic device for electromagnetic wave visualization”, Int. Sympo. Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Tokyo, no. P-55, 2023.

13. L. Li, T. Tamanuki, and T. Baba, “Photo-thermal control in Si photonic devices”, Int. Sympo. Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Tokyo, no. P-56, 2023.

14. T. Nakama, R. Nakamura, A. Balčytis, H. Ito, T. Baba, T. Ozawa, Y. Ota and S. Iwamoto, “Observation of topological states in Si photonics SSH structure”, Int. Sympo. Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Tokyo, no. P-59, 2023.

15. M. Kamata, T. Tamanuki, R. Tetsuya, and T. Baba, “Ambient light tolerance of Si photonics FMCW LiDAR chip with photonic crystal slow light grating beam scanner”, Int. Sympo. Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Tokyo, no. P-62, 2023.

16. T. Tamanuki, S. Yamazaki, and T. Baba, “Realtime operation of Si photonic crystal slow-light waveguide FMCW LiDAR”, Int. Sympo. Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Tokyo, no. P-70, 2023.

17. R. Taira, S. Suyama, K. Hirotani, and T. Baba, “Highly efficient grating coupler consisting of photonic-crystal-like rectangular-lattice perforated hole array and partially-etched linear gratings”, Int. Sympo. Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, Tokyo, no. P-75, 2023.

18. S. Yamazaki, T. Tamanuki, R. Kubota, and T. Baba, “Realtime Si photonics nonmechanical FMCW LiDAR with SLG beam scanner and enhanced k-clock sampling”, Conf. Laser and Electro-Opt., San Jose, no. SM4P.7, 2023.

19. A. Balčytis, X. H. Dinh, T. Ozawa, Y. Ota, T. Baba, S. Iwamoto, A. Mitchell, and T. G. Nguyen, “Synthetic frequency dimension state coupling in modulated LNOI ring cavity devices”, Conf. Laser and Electro-Opt., San Jose, 2023.

20. K. Kawahara and T. Baba, “Modeling of Si Rib and Photonic Crystal Mach-Zehnder Modulators for Electro-Optic Co-Simulation up to 64 Gbaud, IEEE MTT-S Int. Conf. Numerical Electromagnetic and Multiphysics Modeling and Optimization, Winnipeg, no. FR.1P-7, 2023.

21. L. Li and T. Baba, “Si photonics microring modulators controlled all optically”, Optoelectronic and Commun. Conf., Shanghai, no. OECC2023-0322-3, 2023.

22. T. Baba, “Si photonics FMCW LiDAR with solid-state beam scanner”, Optoelectronic and Commun. Conf., Shanghai, no. OECC2023-0320-91, 2023 (Invited).

23. K. Kawahara and T. Baba, “Signal bandwidth tripling in Si optical modulators using an image-rejection analog multiplexer”, Optoelectronic and Commun. Conf., Shanghai, no. OECC2023-0320-127, 2023.

24. K. Kawahara and T. Baba, “Electro-Optic Equalization in Si photonic crystal optical modulators for bandwidth extension”, Optoelectronic and Commun. Conf., Shanghai, no. OECC2023-0320-113, 2023.

25. M. Kamata and T. Baba, “OFDR analysis of Si photonics FMCW LiDAR”, Optoelectronic and Commun. Conf., Shanghai, no. OECC2023-0322-1, 2023.

26. M. Kamata and T. Baba, “Ambient light tolerance of Si photonics FMCW LiDAR”, Optoelectronic and Commun. Conf., Shanghai, no. OECC2023-0322-2, 2023.

27. T. Baba, “Development of on-chip LiDAR with Si photonics platform”, Asia-Europe Silicon Photonics Symposium and Course, Zhejiang, no. 11, 2023. (Invited)

28. T. Baba, “Silicon photonics solid-state FMCW LiDAR”, AMF Silicon Photonics Summit, Tokyo, no. 4, 2023. (Invited)

29. T. Baba, “On-chip FMCW LiDAR with Si photonics and slow light grating”, Asia Pacific Laser Symposium, Hakodate, no. OP-02, 2023. (Invited)

30. N. Tahara, R. Taira and T. Baba, "Low-loss VCSEL coupler in Si photonics", Micro-Optic Conf., Miyazaki, no. PO-48, 2023.

31. S. Nawa, M. Kamata, M. Ando, and T. Baba, "OFDR analysis of Si photonics components", Micro-Optic Conf., Miyazaki, no. H-5, 2023.

32. K. Hirotani, S. Suyama, M. Ando and T. Baba, "Topological optimization of diffraction grating in SLG beam scanner", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, no. P-35, 2023.

33. L. Li and T. Baba, "Modulation characteristics of microring modulators with self-heating", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, no. P-36, 2023.

34. M. Kamata, T. Tamanuki and T. Baba, "Ambient light immunity of Si photonics full-integrated FMCW LiDAR chip — Theory and Probability of Mutual Interference —", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, no. P-37, 2023.

35. N. Tahara, R. Taira and T. Baba, "Low-loss VCSEL coupler in Si photonics", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, no. P-38, 2023.

36. K. Kawahara and T. Baba, "Triple-parallel Si Mach-Zehnder optical modulators for low-power flexible Transmitters", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, no. P-39, 2023.

37. K. Yamamoto, R. Kubota, M. Kamata, T. Tamanuki and T. Baba, "Prism lens for beam collimation of Si photonic crystal beam scanner and LiDAR - comparison of high-NA, low-profile design and two-piece design -", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, no. P-40, 2023.

38. S. Nawa, M. Ando, M. Kamata and T. Baba, "OFDR analysis of Si photonics components", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, no. P-41, 2023.

39. S. Yamazaki, T. Tamanuki and T. Baba, "Si photonics FMCW LiDAR chip using direct laser modulation and integrated optical interferometer for k-clock generation", Int. Sympo. Photon. Electron. Convergence, no. P-42, 2023.

40. T. Baba, “Solid-state FMCW LiDAR in Si photonics”, Int. Sympo. Imaging, Sensing, and Opt. Memory”, Takamatsu, no. Mo-G-02, 2023. (Invited)

41. T. Baba, “Silicon photonics solid-state LiDAR with slow-light grating beam scanner”, Int. Conf. Opt. Photon. Lasers, Hiroshima, no. 7, 2023. (Keynote speech)

42. T. Baba, “Challenges toward Si photonics solid-state LiDAR”, Int. Conf. Adv. Mat. Dev., Jeju, no. Plenary-11, 2023 (Plenary).