1.     T. Baba, R. Watanabe, K. Asano, F. Koyama and K. Iga, "Theoretical and experimental estimations of photon recycling effect in light emitting devices with a metal mirror", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 35, no. 1A, pp. 97-100, 1996. pdf

2.     T. Baba and T. Matsuzaki, "Fabrication and photoluminescence studies of GaInAsP/InP 2-dimensional photonic crystals", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 35, no. 2B, pp. 1348-1352, 1996. pdf

3.     T. Baba, M. Hamasaki, N. Watanabe, P. Kaewplung, A. Matsutani, T. Mukaihara, F. Koyama and K. Iga, "A novel short cavity laser with deep grating distributed Bragg reflectors", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., vol. 35, no. 2B, pp. 1390-1394, 1996. pdf

4.     T. Baba, M. Ikeda and N. Kamizawa, "Nanofabrication process of GaInAsP/InP 2D photonic crystals by a methane-based reactive ion beam etching technique", Physica B, vol. 227, pp. 415-418, 1996.

5.     T. Baba, "A consideration of ultimate optical confinement semiconductor lasers", Semiconductor Laser Int. Sympo, Yokohama, no. 23, 1996.

6.     M. Hamasaki, P. Kaewplung, T. Baba, A. Matsutani, F. Koyama and K. Iga, "Improved GaInAsP/InP deep grating DBR for monolithic short cavity lasers", Optelectronic and Commun. Conf., Makuhari, no. 18P-31, 1996.

7.     M. Kihara, R. Watanabe and T. Baba, Lasing characteristics of strained-quantum well microdisk injection lasers, First Optoelectronic and Commun. Conf., Makuhari, no. 16D1-2, 1996.

8.     S. Niida, T. Tohyama, T. Baba and Y. Kokubun, Precise control of vertical surface selective deposition (VSSD) of dielectric film by dual ion-beam sputtering technique, First Optoelectronic and Commun. Conf., Makuhari, no. 18P-1, 1996.

9.     T. Baba, "Microcavities and Photonic Bandgaps" (Edited by J. Rarity and C. Weisbush), Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 193-202, 1996.